Avoid These Mistakes When Installing Wireless Security Cameras

There are so many different types of security cameras available on the market today. Installing security cameras can be a bit intimidating if you are not a professional installer. But the emergence of wireless security cameras makes installation a much easier process. Of course, you should still take precautions when installing cameras, whether wired or wireless.
Here are some mistakes you should do your best to avoid during your wireless security camera installation.

Not realizing your wireless cameras aren’t completely wireless
With wireless cameras, you don’t need an ethernet cable or router. You do, however, depending on the type of security camera system you have, you may still need wires to power up your camera. If your camera isn’t completely wireless and still requires a power source, try to find a prime spot for your camera that is near an electrical outlet.

Having poor positioning of cameras
Positioning is everything when it comes to capturing images, especially for security purposes. You want to make sure that your cameras are pointed at the best possible strategic angles to have the best security coverage. Avoid pointing your camera at the ground. Make sure nothing is obstructing the camera’s view and ensure that your camera won’t be overly exposed to light because excessive light can damage footage.

Make sure that you position your wireless cameras where there is a strong Wi-Fi signal. One of the biggest mistakes that consumers make is installing their wireless cameras out of range of a decent signal. You can easily conduct a signal check with your cell phone or laptop. If your Wi-Fi range seems to be unattainable, consider getting a range extender.

Not installing enough cameras
When it comes to wireless cameras, one camera just isn’t enough. You will need two, three or more in order to provide coverage of an entire area because the pan/tilt/zoom camera’s wide coverage just isn’t wide enough to cover your entire home.

Forgetting the password
Almost everything requires a password now. So we know that keeping up with all of those passwords can get a little crazy. Still, when it comes to the security of your home, you’re going to need to a password that is secure. And for the purpose of installing multiple wireless security cameras, you will need to add two passwords.

You will want to select a camera that requires you to input a specific key to access the camera during installation. Even though security cameras come preconfigured with a given password, it’s best to change the password to something complex, difficult for others to figure out but easy for you to remember. If the password configuration doesn’t already require numbers and symbols, consider adding them to your password to enhance security.

Purchasing a camera without remote access
Most modern home security systems offer remote access to view surveillance footage. But not all cameras have remote control features. It’s quite easy to make sure you’ve selected the security camera that has remote access features. If the features aren’t on the packaging, simply ask the vendor which cameras offer remote access.

If at any time you are unsure about your wireless camera in Chicago, the experts here at Video and Sound Inc are ready to assist you.